by admin 

April 5, 2018

Crossing the Red Sea

There is a fundamental difference between, ‘Egypt Exodus experience.’
Which we celebrate on the first day of Passover
And the ‘Red Sea Splitting experience.’ [Crossing the Red Sea]
Which we celebrate on the last day of Passover

The first day was an experience of liberation from enslavement to one person
Freedom from servitude to Pharaoh, king of Egypt
The second experience is a different possibility experience
Freedom from slavery to the natural lawfulness
We saw how Man could be free from physical conditioning!

This is a much stronger experience than the first one
While the first celebration is still partial;
“I’m able to get rid of the enslavement of a specific person (Pharoah)”,
Still, immediately after that, I can become
Enslaved to another person or any other natural law.
Release from a person does not lead to ‘Total liberation.’
You may remain with the “law of Servitude”; This ‘law’ will stay in you.
The ‘Sea Splitting experience’ [Crossing the Red Sea]
Is a full liberation from the “law of Servitude,”
We managed to liberate ourselves totally, Without any conditioning.
Cancellation of all contingencies!
The miracle of ‘Sea Splitting’ [Crossing the Red Sea] eliminates all chance
And abolishes all enslavement even from the laws of nature.

Let’s move another Profound step;

The Creator revealed himself in two ways;
One is through the ‘laws of nature,’ the human body for example,
Where there is no side of mercy.
The law is equal to the righteous and the wicked.
The second side of God’s appearance is through the ‘Free Will of Man.’
This capability of our ‘Free will’ to choose between good and evil,
To change, to mutate, and to deal with the moral question facing me,
And to have forgiveness from time to time.
The most important thing to understand is
That one Creator is interested in these two revelations
(The essence of free choice, as opposed to philosophers)
God demands from us to emphasize our free will
And liberate oneself from natural fixation.
Precisely that was discovered in the splitting of the Red Sea [Crossing the Red Sea].
Not only the Hebrew nation got rid of Pharaoh (Freedom from slavery)
We also managed to liberate ourself from the ‘Law of Nature.’

Why did the Creator decide to maintain these two sides?

We will elaborate this subject in a unique course soon.
At the same time, we must emphasize
Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, is unwilling to recognize
That the second will, that is free, our good intention,
Is higher and more important than the first will.
Pharaoh was not prepared to recognize the man with his free will, is the ‘Crown of Creation.’
Pharaoh sees the man in general and the people of Israel in particular,
As a natural object devoid of any will, available to the king of Egypt to use. 

The actual belief is to believe that man, every human being(!),
Is a subject with a revealing will, a choice
That is free from any chain of determinism,
Who has the ability to be redeemed from the mental fixation,
From the political establishment,
Or from any other social/ psychological preoccupation.
Even today there are regimes, as well as various government officials
Who think like Pharaoh.
In fact, the academic world founded entirely on
Augustus Conte (1857-1798) – the “positive rationale”,
Does not believe in the superiority of full Free Choice.

You can learn more at this Udemy course.

Choose wisely

Learn more about the relationship between Faith, Miracles, and Nature

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  1. A. Comte dealed with a natural science of human society; full free (ethical) choice is limited by the physical/natural constraints that HaShem created. The (modern) academic world is primarily based on Aristoteles’ assumption of eternal matter, which does not recognize the Jewish assumption of creation of matter from no-thing. The mentioned Aristotelian assumption dominates also the scientific philosophy in the state of Israel as far as I have experienced in conference participations.

    1. The first part of your comment is very accurate.
      Today’s science does not believe in man’s free will.
      As far as the State of Israel is concerned, there is a difference between what presented externally,
      And what we educate.
      One of the most critical elements is the subject of Free Choice
      And the curriculum in the State of Israel (and especially the project of Michael) deepens and intensifies this issue very much.
      (For more information on this Education project, contact me here.)
      Thank you for your comment.

      1. It will be a pleasure for me to learn about that Education Project of Michael and yours, Chaim ! What I wanted to point to is the following humanitarian problem: Comte is applied in modern technocracy globally , but the scientific theory behind this societal denial of free ethical choice is Aristotelian eternal matter. Creation is a Jewish idea, and in no myths of any ancient culture will you find the notion of a purely spiritual power that created the (material) world from nothing. The Septaguint, for example, uses the Greek verb ‘epoisen’ , which means to produce something from something, i.e. the Greek language had even no word for ‘creation’ and the idea is foreign to all ancient philosophers. It is safe to say that before the advent of Judaism, Creation was unheard of! The globally dominant scientific philosophy, however, became eternal matter, although there is no proof for that Greek idea. Hope I could clarify my point, and todah for your engagement.

        1. You’re right
          And the people of Israel brought some new insights as opposed to the “logic of reason.”
          And precisely that’s what we do on the site here,
          Explain the logic of “Prophecy.”
          And it has a profound and significant logic
          Which could not reveal to man
          If it were not from the Creator of the universe, who showed Himself to Israel.
          As I explain at length in our courses.

          1. HaShem is the supreme scientist; all your works point to this fact. Wishing you success and health, to educate humanity, in the light of prophecy, which is a real part of human history.

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