by admin 

April 6, 2019

Since the beginning of history, whether out of ignorance or perhaps arrogance, All of the different races have tried to link their origin back to their earliest ancestors, While in the same breath denying other nations the privilege of these ancient origins….

70 years ago we saw what this way of thoughts led the most educated country to do.

Auschwitz place, where humanity really ‘lost it’!

When did this all start?

Until when we would live like that?

Click here to see the Bible answer

See the Bible answer on this attached link.

About the author 


  1. Human association in equality can be very well understood by Genesis 3:22; it all depends on the right ethical freedom-of-choice, guided by the original intention to practice only good deeds. The perfectly administered concentration and extermination systems in Europe served exactly the opposite goal or like Yehuda Bauer of Yad Vashem coined it: ‘It is not enough to be a technically competent barbarian’. I do agree that the Hebrew Bible teaches essentially universal human emancipation by accepting the will of G-d freely and by associating in human equality. Wishing you further success for all your activities, Rabbi Chaim!

    1. Thank you very much, Stephan
      I’m sure we’re in the right direction in our world, bringing it to a better place

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