December 21

Beyond the narrow horizon of this world


learne how Biblical Interpretation can influence our Mindfulness and our everyday life for better.

It usually thinks that science is meant to serve people
To, Let them live a better life.
It’s true.
But it is not the full truth!
There is another part that is no less ‘scientific,’
And it actively improves our lives.
And if science mainly deals with what is here, in our world
What happens when we finish the role here in our society,
what happens when we die?!
All the information we have accumulated has no value?
Or there is another ‘science,’
Who handles this ‘outside world’ knowledge
And more important than that,
It gives right relationship
with the world after the present world.

You are invited to experience a different learning
Learning that will reveal you to
Depth & found of Bible words
That is not contrary to science
They just deepen beyond the narrow horizon
In our physical world, in we are today.

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