by admin 

January 10, 2018

The myth is telling, Non-Jewish people, are not allowed to learn Torah…
Is all that is permissible for a Noahide [Bible eys]
Is it to fulfill the seven commandments only?
After all, they are all without exception,
Are not deeds, only a request to refrain from doing forbidden things.

And what if someone wants to do deeds, to become closer to God
Is he forbidden?

Here is, once and for all,
The sources from which we derive the permission,
Noahide people can even observe a Sabbath
And of course, learn Torah!

The full lesson is given in Hebrew
Here there is only a small example
Of meaningful, in-depth learning,
As we learn in yeshiva.

Anyone who wants to learn can learn the full lesson in Hebrew
He’s here, too

Another important note;
At Mount Sinai, we have not received Torah Only
We also received the correct interpretation of the Torah, What we call the ‘oral Torah.’

We are opening here to the general public
The sharp debate that has been going on for decades
Among the rabbis within the Hebrew people
For your reference

We look forward receiving your comments


Link to the full Hebrew lesson.

About the author 


  1. It makes perfect sense why such safeguards are in place…and how ‘goy’, ‘Noahide’, and ‘Ger To Shav’ differ. Such tutors the world away from profaning the sacred. That which is revered due to its sanctity should never be taken lightly…and that which is most Holy, righteously feared. As it is written
    ”The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.’
    Those who do not approach properly, are daring to profane… and should not have access to such…as they will only distort because they cannot perceive beyond themselves.
    The clarification here between the Rambam’s point 9 & 10 show no ultimate restriction to access, but ensure understanding of proper approach. Arbitrary pursuits have nothing to do with holiness.

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