June 22, 2020

Wearing a Coat or doing bonfire?
What is the most preferred way?

And how does this relate to Noah and Abraham from the Bible?
And, no less important, do these insights affect our lives today?

Do I need to keep my insights to myself? Or should I know how to share them with others?
And if so, how to do it the right way?
This is a question we asked after an in-depth explanation, of about 25 minutes, comparing Noah, Abraham, and Moses
I recommend taking a few minutes to see our in-depth study. We investigated Genesis Chapter 6; Genesis Chapter 18 and Exodus Chapter 32.
Click here to learn this important lesson

You can find here some conclusion and answering our central question:
Wearing a Coat or doing bonfire? What is an excellent way to warm up?

About the author 

Rabbi Chaim Goldberg

Explore the BIBLE Land | Get TRUTH answers | Increase YOUR state of recognition | Live Bible Experience - Meet Exceptional People.
** Come, visit with us the Holy-Land [Israel] where ASKING QUESTIONS is allowed, and seeking the TRUTH is part of your fullness.**

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