January 26

Are we spreading lies?!


People wrote us harsh things
We accused of lying and much more…
We’re not scared!
Truth is the most important of all!
Here is our reply;


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  1. Thank you Rabbi for encouraging people to have an open mind and to listen.
    As a former educator in the North American ‘Accelerated Christian Education’ system, I can say with certainty that ‘Tunnel Vision’ leads to the maladaptive social psychological behavior of ‘Out-group Derogation’. This is an infection of the naturally minded, evil inclination of mankind…it is a visible prejudice! Such has nothing to do with what Jesus in fact taught.
    It is more than coincidence that false accusations are always the transgression of the accuser. Thankfully, scripture has the cure! B’ezrat HaShem

  2. B”H Rabbi, from what I have seen so far, you are teaching Torah, prayer, and our relationship with G-d as Noahides. Have I missed something? None of that is dangerous for someone to be offended or claim that you are spreading ‘lies’. If a person was spreading talk of violence and hatred in the name of G-d, that would be a concern and one must intervene. This is not the case. May G-d bring to timely fruition the teachings aligned with His will, and may all else have done with as G-d wills it to be or not. May G-d bless you and your work.

    1. Thank you, Kim, for your reply. Indeed, I wish you blessing, as you wished me! Keep in touch. Chaim

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