June 27, 2019

When someone approaches you in the Hebrew language and ask you the first question:
"What's your name?"
He is asking a question with a double meaning;
he also asks,
"What is your destiny?" (or) "What is your life propose?"
Since the word 'Name' (שם) have those two meaning.
More prosaically, this word has its primary understanding:
'Purpose (of life),'
and since we believe that God created each one of us,
so we put this purpose into a frame, and we call it a 'Name.'


Do you know where It's written in the Bible?

What was Cain Destiny?

And what's Able?

This is what we started to explain this week
You can see this here


Join us live on our next week Bible study


Monday, July 1'th 18.30 Jerusalem time

About the author 

Rabbi Chaim Goldberg

Explore the BIBLE Land | Get TRUTH answers | Increase YOUR state of recognition | Live Bible Experience - Meet Exceptional People.
** Come, visit with us the Holy-Land [Israel] where ASKING QUESTIONS is allowed, and seeking the TRUTH is part of your fullness.**

  1. Well, I changed my name to Rut when I found out that my parents ancestors were Jewish. My ancestors were Sephardic Jews from Spain, France, and Austria. This is interesting to me because Hashem blessed is He, spoked to me before I researched for my ancestry, and gave me His four letters Name in Hebrew when I didn’t even knew anything about Judaism or Hebrew language 35 years ago. Thanks Rabbi Goldberg.

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