March 1, 2018

This message may seem trivial – YOU MAY think the Rabbi gives another simple daily Bible scripture reading and tells you about the meaning of a specific Hebrew word. But in fact, this message reveals that Hebrew thinkers are reading and evaluating the Bible in a completely different way from us. If the word “said” will understand the usual meaning for us, it will sound very human: “someone has spoken something, maybe he still remembers what he was posting at the time.”

The “Vayomer” [‘Said’] Hebrew understanding & living reveals; that the Bible’s words are like bricks built into this world’s structure! We don’t have the power to dismantle and redone these walls. Each word in the Bible forms the invisible realm of this world, and it is our choice, whether we will be with it, or we will shake our heads to the wall in vain.

[Aurimas Guoga -Lithuania]


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Hebrew language from one side, and the rest…

We are coming to
The most important verse
Of this first daily scripture reading
Where something is being created
Something is happening in this world.
ויאמר אלוהים יהי אור ויהי אור
And God said I want the light to be and the light appeared.
I want to start with a critical note
Before we can continue
There is a huge difference
Between all languages and the Hebrew language
All languages usually are consent
Of all masses.
For example, the Chinese language
For every word, there is a unique drawing
With the years there are more words
And more drawing
The same thing with the English
It’s a different language from 300 years ago
The language is being built up
Is different from the Hebrew language
But the Hebrew language
Is the same thing
That God said and
It came in a moment!
God said, for example, it wasn’t here.
And now it’s here!
We have for some words more
Then just one use, one understanding
They are connected, all the understanding
One with each other
As I already explained the word שמיים.
And we are going to speak about a very
interesting and important word.
The name of the word is ויאמר, said
When someone is; ‘Saying.’

Dive in to this scripture reading:

In the Hebrew language, we find
[This word] with three different understanding
First understanding is elementary
Its pronouncing with my mouth
[At this meaning we can say:
Actions speak louder than words]
God said with his mouth
To his servants or Moses
When Moses spoke;
‘Pronouncing’ with his mouth,
He said something within his mouth
To the Israel nation

The second understanding is
Not saying something with my mouth
But it’s saying something to myself
In my mind

The most known revers
Is what’s written down
When עשיו is fighting with Jacob
Since Jacob took עשיו blessings
עשיו hates Jacob, and it’s written, the word ויאמר

The understanding translation of this is
That עשיו said to himself
From time to time we find ourselves
Speaking for ourselves…
We are not speaking with our mouth
It’s something that’s running here,
In our head
In between our ears
We Saying to ourselves
We’re thinking of something
This is the same word; the word ‘Said.’
‘I’m saying to myself
In Hebrew אומר [Omer=Say]
It’s not saying with my mouth
It’s telling inside quietly to myself

The third understanding is
That this word ויאמר
Is my wish, my will
And we can find it With Moses
When in the second chapter
In the second book

When he’s going out
To visit the Israeli people
And in the second day
That he’s going out
One of the Hebrew people saying to him;
‘Do you plan to slow me
As you slowed yesterday the Egyptian?’
Now in the Hebrew it says
הלהורגני אתה אומר
And it’s the exact translation
‘Do you PLAN to slow me?…’
This is [one step] more,
Not only what I’m thinking in my head,
It’s my wish; it’s my will
I want to do this and want to do that.
In the same way
The same אומר the same ‘Said.’
Is also explaining the issue of my will so

We have three explanations
For the word אומר [Say]
The first one is [1];
Pronouncing with my mouth
The second one is [2];
Thinking in my brain, with myself
And the third one is [3]: My wish,
My will, My heart is where I want to do this.

The correct scripture reading

Now, the first time that we find
The word ויאמר in the Bible scripture is when we read
The third verse of this first day of Genesis
Where God is saying that;
He wants that they will be light,
That the will appear
‘God says I want there will be light,’ I wish,
this is the third understanding[!]
God wishes that the light will appear.
And the light appeared.
He’s not saying to anything
First of all, logically, he’s not speaking anything
Because there is nothing here
To speak with!
No one here is to speak with,
The light does not exist yet
With whom is he speaking?
God is not speaking to anyone.
So, the first understanding
Is falling down
The second understanding
Who you might get confused with
But our sages from the prophets already
Is saying to us that
Everything That is Written down
In the first chapter of the Bible,
Is explaining; that God Wants
To do this world
It’s the third understanding.

What’s his will
what’s his wish

God wished that something will happen
[The light] and it appeared [!!]

God’s will from one side, and the rest…

And from here we coming to another
Very deep understanding of
A difference between man and God
Because when I want something
For example; a very special car
Or I want to build up a house,
So this is my wish, then,
I’m starting to organize my thoughts
I’m speaking with people, and it’s taking time.
And it’s taking in a significant effort.
From my wish, until;
It will appear in this world
Until; I will manage
To achieve my will my wish
But with God, it’s not like that at all
As we see in this verse
God wish that light will appear
And that’s it; there was a light,
So, there isn’t any difference, any gap,
Between his wish, his will,
And its appearance in this world.
This is only the first two
words of this verse ויאמר אלוהים
God wishes, God will, that there will be light.
the other words we’re going to
explain in our next videos next blog.

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About the author 

Rabbi Chaim Goldberg

Explore the BIBLE Land | Get TRUTH answers | Increase YOUR state of recognition | Live Bible Experience - Meet Exceptional People.
** Come, visit with us the Holy-Land [Israel] where ASKING QUESTIONS is allowed, and seeking the TRUTH is part of your fullness.**

  1. So clear Rabbi. This is about the fifth time I have listened to this explanation and it makes greater sense every time I hear it.
    I once was debating this verse with a Christian Pastor (friend) and asked him based upon a few of his messages “if he thought, that when ‘G_D said’, that he was breathing in & out oxygen and vibrating vocal cords”…this Christian Pastor replied “of course”. I proceeded to share along the lines Rabbi Chaim clarifies here, and this Pastor ended our friendship (in not so kind terms). This nudged me closer to embracing the Noahide position.
    Thank you Hashem, for preserving the intent of the message in Scripture!

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