April 17, 2018

An Individual’s Survival – A Whole Nation’s Recreation [Redemption]

My friend’s mother passed away.
the way we do it, The mourners sit at home for a week, and their friends come to visit and comfort them.
His mother was a Holocaust survivor. the notorious Dr. Mengele decided that she would go to the side of the living,
and without any chance to say goodbye, her mother was sent to death.
She survived the inconceivable torture at the concentration camp against all odds,
immigrated to Israel and established a wonderful family.
Yet, her longing for her mother was like a bottomless abyss that never, ever closed up.
Nevertheless, she passed away at a ripe old age, surrounded by her four children and dozens of grandchildren, happy.
There was just one thing she refused to talk about for as long as she lived – The war.
“There’s no reason to live the past,” She explained. “We have our face forward toward a better future.”

Just A Beginning..

When you think about it, it’s pretty amazing. for the Jewish nation, there is no such thing as “The end of the year.”
There are four dates that are called the “beginning of the year.” four times during the course of the year when we note the
beginning of the year.
And what about the end?! It doesn’t exist.
In our mindset, in Hebrew thought, there is only “renewal.” we know how to take time and relive it,
to bring back content that once existed but in the context of the present.
Oh, and another thing, all of this is done with undying optimism. this is how an entire nation could arise out of the death camps and found a strong, established country, a country that contributes to the world – Knowledge, Creativity, Partnership, and most importantly:
True morals, Godly values. the kind that accepts others the way they are.
It’s very interesting to think about the following strange situation.
For hundreds of years, the western, Christian world, was sure that they were replacing the Jewish nation.
The eastern world also tried to draw values to live by from the Jewish people. millions of people over hundreds of years…
Learning the Bible and its stories. what is this important message that comes from Jerusalem?
What essentially IS the message that comes from the prophecy of the Jewish nation??

Creation and Redemption

What happened during creation? without getting too deep into the inner meaning behind creation, what is most apparent is that God wanted to create the world, and in doing so, He “made space so that others could live.”
He placed His creation “far from Him” and said to it, “Come back to me.”
The entire course of history is an attempt to return and be close to the Creator again.
This is the deeper meaning of the sacrifices –  to sacrifice –Lehakriv, which in Hebrew,
shares the same root as the word – Lehitkarev- to come closer.
From here, we understand that the concept of creation itself is actually identical and parallel to the concept of exile.
Every person, whoever he may be, every creation, from any culture, feels that he, as a creation, is in exile, far from his Creator.
This is easy to see among adopted children who so longingly search for their biological parents.
Most people know their parents and grew up with them, and therefore, don’t have this never-ending drive to search for their roots.
As a person grows up, he becomes busier with life’s struggle and spends less time thinking and contemplating the source that
provided him with his life.
On the other hand, a five-year-old child, who views himself as dependent upon adults, will ask: “Who is the biggest adult here?”

Optimism as a Guideline

What this actually means is that he lives with the certainty that a Creator exists. As he grows up and becomes overloaded with the struggle to survive in this world, becoming a parent himself, he no longer has time to look for the One – the one who supports us.
But, children who grew up without their biological parents always feel that something is missing, the huge hole of the lack of knowledge regarding where they came from. What are their roots?
This is why the world can understand the deeper, metaphysical dimension that exists in the Jewish nation and is expressed when the Jewish nation returns to its land as a single nation, not just as individuals.
The Jewish nation has left exile, returned to its roots. this is a nation whose entire history is a testimony to the fact that it is possible to leave exile.
It is possible to break through the dimension that is so distant from the Creator, and that this is not just something that holy individuals are capable of achieving, but rather, entire nations can return and connect with the Creator.
Redemption is the rectification of creation – for the distance from our Father in heaven.
[Have you ever visited the Holy Land? When a person visits the Creator’s land, he is able to feel, to sense the sensation and the holiness]
From here, we can also understand the focus on Passover. everyone sees their own redemption through that historic event,
as proof that it is possible to leave exile. Redemption is possible.
Wow, what optimism!

Of Creation and Recreation

The Hebrew month of Nissan and what happened at that time is the rectification of what happened in the month of Tishrei,
when the world was created.
The story of Passover, the story of a nation leaving the exile in Egypt, who was stuck in a closed space with no way of escaping, was able to go free when the Creator revealed Himself through the history of the Jewish nation.
The same thing happened recently, just 70 years ago, that same great closeness between the Jewish nation and the Creator was revealed.
Everyone, all religions, since this idea – what redemption is possible.
My friend’s mother understood it too.
[You can find here, at this course, more info]
Moreover, she experienced it. she lived her life with a true understanding, and despite the fact that she was in the Nazi death camps when she immigrated to Israel, she refused to share the difficult personal experiences that she underwent with her children.
She chose to only give them:
About the creation of a new, yet old, nation that was redeemed from the Valley of Death.
Did we mention optimism?

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About the author 

Rabbi Chaim Goldberg

Explore the BIBLE Land | Get TRUTH answers | Increase YOUR state of recognition | Live Bible Experience - Meet Exceptional People.
** Come, visit with us the Holy-Land [Israel] where ASKING QUESTIONS is allowed, and seeking the TRUTH is part of your fullness.**

    1. My pleasure
      And I hope that every person in the world will learn from here the potential to redeem himself.
      Thank you Chacham Dan

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